How to Choose the Right Cardstock For Your Project

How to Choose the Right Cardstock For Your Project

Cardstock paper

You may be wondering how to choose the right cardstock paper for your next project. This article will discuss common uses, thickness and weights. Once you know the basics of cardstock, you can make the right decision. You can use this paper for a variety of different projects. Read on to learn more! Also read our guide on common cardstock paper uses. Listed below are a few tips to choose the right cardstock for your project.

Versatility of cardstock paper

Cardstock is a single-ply type of paper that is thicker than ordinary paper but still thin enough to be flexible. It is often used for cards, gift tags, scrapbooking, and art projects. Besides business cards, cardstock is also great for postcards, marketing displays, and more. You can find various colors and finishes in cardstock, from glitter to double-color. Its versatility and durability are excellent reasons to buy it.

The versatility of cardstock paper is a benefit of its superior quality. Cardstock is versatile enough to be used in many crafts. For instance, you can use a heavyweight cardstock paper for your business’s marketing collateral. The thickest kind is 110 lb.; however, this is too heavy for consumer-grade printers. Because of this, you can buy cardstock of different weights and uses.

Despite the weight difference, cardstock is the preferred type of paper for cardmaking. Its thickness makes it easy to fold. The paper has a smooth texture, and is also stiff. Cardstock is commonly used in business settings. Businesses and organizations often buy cardstock paper in bulk, and it makes sense to do so when you can save money on supplies. There are so many different types of cardstock paper, and many options to choose from!

If you are planning to use a cardstock paper for a variety of projects, you can buy different types of cards and papers with various finishing options. Depending on your style, you can select between plain and shiny cardstock, canvas finish paper, and glitter finish cardstock. You can also choose from matte, glitter, and pearl finishes. You can choose from different weights and finishes in the paper and card sections of your local craft store.

Common uses

Cardstock paper is typically made from recycled fibers and is available in a wide variety of colors and sizes. It is heavier than standard paper, and is often used in crafts, where heavy embellishments or liquids must be absorbed into the paper. Cardstock is also available in different weights and textures, allowing for a variety of creative projects. Some types of cardstock have a glossy or matte finish, while others are textured to resemble wood or linen.

Cardstock papers are commonly described by the thickness (gsm) per square meter (GSM) and the density of the paper. This measurement makes it convenient for crafting, but doesn’t necessarily indicate paper thickness. The density of a paper is more important. If you’re looking to make a card, for instance, you’ll want to look for a high-quality paper that will hold its shape and prevent it from tearing or fraying.

Cardstock paper is available in double-ply and triple-ply varieties. It comes in a wide range of sizes, from 4 x 6 inches to 13 x 19 inches. If you’re looking for a versatile paper, you’ll find cardstock useful for crafting projects, from greeting cards to scrapbook pages to placards. Unlike thin paper, cardstock can be folded neatly and is compatible with specialized cutting equipment.


Thickness of cardstock paper is a measure of the density of paper. It can be expressed in thou points, pts, mils, or micrometres. For example, a card of 0.010 pt. is 250 g/m2. On the other hand, a card of 12 pt. is 0.012 inches thick. The difference between thou points and typographical points is that thou means one-hundredth of an inch, while pts are the same.

In general, cardstock comes in a variety of thicknesses. The most common thicknesses are 12pt, 16pt, and 24pt. These are the most popular for modern printing requirements, but there are other thicknesses as well. When selecting cardstock for your project, consider the thickness of the paper. You’ll want to choose a paper that matches your intended use. You’ll also want to consider the paper’s color and finish, as well as the thickness.

As the thickness increases, so does the weight. Cardstock with a higher GSM has a heavier feel. Cards of 65 lb are thicker and heavier, while 110 lb cardstock weighs between 270 and 308 grams. The thickness and weight of the cardstock depends on the project you’re creating. 67 lb cardstock is thinner and stiffer than 110 lb cardstock, making it perfect for a high-end flyer, watercolor, or magazine cover.


Regardless of the purpose of your project, it’s important to consider cardstock paper weights to determine how heavy a project will be. The heavier the cardstock, the more heavy your project will be and the more easily you can manipulate it. The following table gives an overview of cardstock paper weights. You can also see the weights of the different types of paper. Each type of paper has different properties that can affect the final product.

In general, the thicker the cardstock, the higher the GSM. For example, 65 lb cardstock weighs 176 grams, while 110 lb cardstock weighs between 270 and 308 grams. Cardstock of higher GSM is more durable and thick. Heavy cardstock has a GSM of 350 – 450. Thinner cardstock, on the other hand, weighs only 210 – 300 grams. This cardstock type is perfect for watercolors, high-quality flyers, and magazine covers.

When determining cardstock weights, remember that paper density is measured in grams per square meter. This measurement is usually converted to pounds or points in North America. For a more accurate comparison, look for a paper with a higher GSM. Also, be aware of differences between caliper and points, which are simply different measurements for thickness. Caliper is a thousandth of an inch thicker than points.


You don’t have to choose one color to make beautiful cards and scrapbooks, but you can find several different cardstock papers in the same color family. Colored papers are ideal for matting photographs and creating striking works of art. Some paper stores offer full-packs of colored paper that you can use to sample before purchasing the whole pack. This paper is also great for punching and cutting in scrapbooks. This article will discuss some of the different types of colored cardstock and how they can help you create a unique project.

A 5-color assortment of Astrobrights Color Cardstock is a great choice for anyone looking for a variety of different cards. It’s smooth and thick enough to be used in a variety of printers. The colors are vibrant and rich, making it easy for your creativity to shine through. You’ll be able to make dazzling postcards, photo frames, and booklet covers with Astrobrights Color Cardstock.

Cardstock is a basic, everyday art supply. It’s similar to a painter’s canvas, and most projects start with a white cardstock piece. This paper type is versatile and durable and can be purchased online or in physical stores. Try Altenew or Neenah Paper for quality cardstock paper. You’ll be pleased with your new purchase! There are no limits to the uses for cardstock paper.


The cost of cardstock paper varies depending on the size and type of the piece. Generally, the smaller the cardstock size, the lower the cost. Generally, cardstock size five is the most common. A five-inch-by-seven-inch piece costs around $0.35 to mail. Despite the additional cost, it still offers more space and makes your message more clear. Here are a few ways to save money on cardstock:

The thickness of cardstock paper varies from shop to shop and country to country. It is typically measured in points or mils, which is the thickness in thousands of an inch. Typically, the heavier card stock is more expensive. It is ideal for packaging, brochures, business cards, and even book covers. The thickness also varies based on the material used for the finished product. A cardstock sheet with a higher point count will cost more than a five-inch-thick sheet.

Choosing the right cardstock type depends on your needs. Glossy cardstock is used for photos and other items, while matte cardstock is preferred for luxury brands. It has a silky finish that is easy on the eyes. High-gloss UV has extra shiny qualities, helping colors pop. It gives your brand a unique edge. Generally, glossy cardstock is more expensive than matte cardstock. The cost of cardstock varies based on the paper type, but it is worth investing in the right one for your needs.

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